Lassya Alliance


For all Lassya Alliance Members Service to mankind (Manava Sevay Madhava Seva) and service above all else, is the motto.


Provide service to mankind, promote integrity, and enhance human understanding of world issues, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of businesses, professionals and community Leaders through the improvement of health, the support of education, employability and poverty alleviation.

Lassya Alliance is a group of representative business and professional people who have accepted the Lassya philosophy of service and are seeking:

  • First, to study collectively the theory of service as the true basis of success and happiness in business and in life
  • second, to give collectively, practical demonstrations of it to themselves and their community
  • third, each as an individual, to translate its theory into practice in business and in everyday life; and
  • fourth, individually and collectively, by active precept and example, to stimulate its acceptance both in theory and practice by all non-Lassya Alliance Members as well as by all Lassya Alliance Members.

The purpose of this Alliance is to pursue the objects of Lassya, carry out successful service projects and contribute to the advancement of Lassya Alliance by strengthening its membership, support The Alliance, and develop leaders beyond the club level.


Lassya’s chosen path of professionals joining together to use their skills and passion to make a difference in their communities is one that fosters pride in Lassya Alliance Members.

In addition to our governance documents, Lassya Alliance and districts should be familiar with Lassya’s guiding principles and value statements, to carry out the mission and understand its commitment to professionalism and service. The following is a selection of value statements and principles that Lassya Alliance Members and Alliances use to inspire their involvement and engagement in Lassya.